

Identity Values Statement

The first value that is the most important to me is friendship because it's very similar to music. If I'm having a bad day, one call from a friend can change my whole mood. My friends and music are probably the single most important things to me. Friendship matters to me because it helps me connect with so many different people and feel loved. I talk to my friends everyday, no matter what constrictions. As an example my best friend moved to Wisconsin this summer and believe it or not I talk to him everyday and our friendship hasn’t changed in the slightest.

The second value that is the most important to me is music. I'm not certain why but whenever I'm sad or just need a pick me up music is always that pick me up. It can change my mood with one note. It's probably the most important thing in the world to me, besides friendship. I listen to music every day.

I think happiness is one of my values because what's the point of doing something if you're not happy? We base almost everything we do around happiness or success, I chose happiness. If I can I try not to do things that make me stressed or unhappy, but obviously sometimes you have to do stuff you don’t like to get to the good part, so I try to enjoy life as much as I can despite the restrictions. “If you're happy doing what you're doing then no one can tell you you aren't successful.”