Nomad parents are saying…
“I think my kids’ favorite part is that learning at Nomad is active, not passive. For kids who would rather experience and do than sit and listen, this is an incredible place.”
“At Nomad the students have freedom to explore the required topics in a way that is personally interesting and engaging.”
“THANK YOU for educating, exciting, thrilling, and imparting your great wisdom and enthusiasm unto our children in this unique school where our children thrive, feel comfortable being themselves and feel cared for and encouraged.”
“Nomad pays attention to the way we affect our community, encouraging students to think about others and find ways to contribute. I appreciate that focus on equity and social justice, because those things are very important to our family.”
“What I really love about the school is that it’s project based and connected to community resources. The students stay in their 10 person group for the year, and the small class size enables the teachers to spend the time getting to know the students well and support them throughout their learning process both academically and socially.”