

Identity Values Statement

The first value that is the most important to me is family. This value matters to me because my family supports me through everything I do (as long as it’s okay with them). They’re very nice and are fun to be around. I help out my family by doing chores around the house, I hang out with my family, and I play with my dogs.

The second value that is the most important to me is friendship. This value matters to me because I would be very lonely without friends. Also, friends will be there to support you when you’re down. Me and Silas are doing this really cool bubble thing where if both of us follow these rules we can be in each other’s houses.

The third value that is the most important to me is FOOD. This value matters to me because food is delicious and an important part of the day. Also it’s a requirement for life. I live this value in my life by helping to dispose of the food.