

Identity Values Statement

The first value that is the most important to me is friendship. It’s so important to have a good community that can support you as a person, a community that won’t turn you down for who you are. One way that I live this value is, I help my friends and care for them just like they would do to me. I would say that everybody should go the extra mile just to show their friends that they care for them. 

Another thing I value is fashion because it is my favorite thing to do. It always cheers me up and I wouldn't be able to live without it. One way that I live this value is I go online and get inspiration from fashion websites and since I'm broke, I can't pay for the clothing I want, so I make my own patterns and sew it myself. It's not just sewing things that makes good fashion, it's also knowing when to buy things and making sure you know how to handle your money. 

I also value creativity. Creativity is such an important thing because without it the world would be so boring. Whether it's sewing or drawing, these are the creative things that help me through my day. I think creativity is a thing that everyone has but not everyone has found it yet.