

Identity Values Statement

One value that’s important to me is caring for other people. It’s important to me that I be an active member of all the communities that I’m a part of whether it’s my community of friends and family or Nomad, or larger communities that I’m a part of like San Francisco, or the whole world. One way I live this value is by making sure that I’m taking care of my relationships with my friends and family by finding ways we can stay connected. Another way I live this value is by staying informed about how I can help people in my larger communities to learn about actions I can take in my everyday life that can help care for people around the country and the world.

Another value that I have is being connected to nature. It’s important to me to both find time to appreciate nature because I find it calming and fun, and it’s also important to me to help take care of the natural world around us. One way I live this value is by finding lots of time to take hikes and go camping. I also do research to find ways I can lessen my negative impact on the environment and do things like reducing single-use plastic and supporting eco-friendly companies.

The third idea that’s important to me is art! Whether it’s visual art, music, books and poetry, or dance, art is important to me because when I make art I’m able to be creative and work to share my ideas about the world. I love to appreciate art from other artists because it helps understand the perspective of other people. I live out this value by taking time to create art and I enjoy singing, playing the piano, and painting with watercolors. I also live out this value by taking time to seek out and appreciate art from other people by visiting art galleries, reading books and poetry from authors with different backgrounds, and seeing performing arts like concerts and dance performances.

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