

Identity Values Statement

One thing I value is compassion. I believe that we take care of our selves by taking care of others. We rely on each other for happiness, love, and survival, so it’s important that we think about the needs other people as well as ourselves. I love being a teacher because one of my main jobs in taking care of my students and their families. I am blessed to have a compassionate family to care for me and to take care of. The world is a better place because we look out for one another.

Another value of mine is adventure! I get easily bored if I don’t have adventurous things to do. There’s so much to experience and explore in the world, and I want to have as many interesting moments in my life as I can. Adventure helps me to learn more about myself, others, the natural world, and different cultures.

I also care about nature. I love to smell the fresh air, look at stunning clouds and big skies, star-gaze and watch animals and plants in their natural habitats. Our natural world is a beautiful, precious thing. I try to do my part to take care of nature and our planet through bigger actions and smaller every day actions.

Christie Seyfert7 Comments