
Project: Nomad Minecraft Server

For their project, Jonathan and Avi worked together to build a Nomad Minecraft server. Johnny worked on the software side of the project, creating the server, coding plugins for the game – and more! Avi worked on the hardware portion of the project, building the machine, working on cable management and… drilling a hole through the wall (with permission, of course).

Once the server was done, Johnny and Avi invited Nomadians to join in! Below you’ll see a photo of Avi working on the hardware, and a map of the Minecraft world where Nomadians are playing. If you want to see a live and up-to-date map of the world, click on the button below to see the live map!


Nomad National Geographic

This semester, each Nomadian created an edition of Nomad National Geographic based on a location (real or fictional) of their choosing. For their magazine they did research to write the articles and also studied travel vlogs to include a video component. Click through to read and watch!