
Project: Connection Through Art

Dylan and Tallulah teamed up for a project that created connection through art from different angles.

Dylan and Tallulah created a calendar of art prompts and a different list of art mediums. They crafted these daily prompts to give them opportunities to help process their experience of quarantine. Through prompts like “dream journal,” “personal wishes,” and more, they captured and processed their feelings through art. They created an instagram account, @agents_of_the_arts, to share their art with others!

To create connection in another way, Dylan and Tallulah led live art sessions for the Nomad community! Dylan and Tallulah led the weekly 30-minute Thursday art session as well as the hour-long Friday art session, both over Zoom. They also started hosting hour-long Instagram Live sessions to share their artistic process.

Scroll through to see some of Dylan’s work, a photo from one of the Zoom art sessions, then click on the button to check out the project Instagram page!

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Screenshot 2020-04-23 14.05.16.png

You can see more of Dylan and Tallulah’s art on their project Instagram account @agents_of_the_arts. You’ll also find archived videos from their Instagram Live sessions – check it out!

Nomad National Geographic

This semester, each Nomadian created an edition of Nomad National Geographic based on a location (real or fictional) of their choosing. Click through to read their magazines!

Along with her magazine, Dylan decided to tackle writing a research paper in MLA style. Here are the results of her hard work!

Mr. Aaron Hermezian Humanities Lasting Effects of Colonialism on Developing Nations The effects of colonialism may not reach much of the global population on a daily basis, but the connections between modern inter-colonialism, specifically in developing countries such as Colombia, civil violence, and colonialism go deeper than one might think.