
Project: Appreciation Machine

For her project, Dominique wanted to give people a chance to give and receive appreciations to help them feel connected. Dominique built an appreciation machine – a name goes in, an appreciations comes out! Nomadians were able to send Dominique names to feed into the appreciation machine and had the option to give a specific appreciation to go with the name, or leave the appreciation up to the machine itself.

Dominique took videos of each appreciation for each requests. We recommend making each video full screen as you watch so you can read the appreciations and pause if needed. Enjoy!


For Max

For Xavier

For Aaron

For Dylan’s friends

For Dominique

For Rachel

For Family

For Dominique’s friends

For Josie Cooper


For Karen


For Mizo

For Saskia


Nomad National Geographic

This semester, each Nomadian created an edition of Nomad National Geographic based on a location (real or fictional) of their choosing. For their magazine they did research to write the articles and also studied travel vlogs to include a video component. Click through to read and watch!