

Identity Values Statement

The first value that is the most important to me is family because they always have your back and they love you no matter what. I always love my family no matter what even if we get in fights and sometimes I go out of my way just to help them. Family is the most important thing and you should always hold on to it.

My second most valued thing is friendship. I value friendship because you need your friends because they're loving and kind and they always have your back no matter what. I always try and help my friends when they're sad and I always have their back no matter what. Friends are the glue that keep people together keep on to your friends their kind and wonderful and they always always have your back

The third value that is the most important to me is music. Music matters to me because it calms me down or hypes me up. It's always what I listen to when I'm mad, sad or happy, and it helps me focus. It's all about love and happiness and hate and sadness and it brings you on an emotional roller coaster. Music for me is magical and awesome and I listen to it all the time.