

Identity Values Statement

Loyalty is important to me because without loyalty you won’t have people who care about you. And without those you have nothing. One way that I am loyal is that I don’t tell my friends’ and family's secrets.  If you tell their secrets they will probably tell yours. And when there's no one you can confide in, now that sucks. Loyalty is so important because without it you can’t do anything in life. To do anything in life you need to have people you can trust. 

Hard work is important to me because without it you can’t have fulfillment. Without hard work you can’t have a good job, take care of your family and yourself, and do the things that you want to do in life.  I work hard at anything I do. Hard work is important and the only way to live it is to work hard at anything you do.

Without compassion you can't leave the world a better place and without that you have failed in life. Helping those less fortunate than me is a way that I show compassion. This is the literal meaning of compassion.