Fossil Fuels
BrainPop Video: “Fossil Fuels” (username: gggators, password: gggators)
Newsela Article: “Drilling deep for knowledge about fossil fuels - power and pollution”
Renewable Energy
Types of Renewable Energy
Newsela Article: “Issue Overview: Solar Energy”
Newsela Article: “How Things Work: Solar Cells”
BrainPop: “Solar Energy” (username: gggators, password: gggators)
TedEd: “How do Solar Panels Work?”
Example Innovations:
Solar roads
Solar-powered fashions
Solar stove
Newsela Article: “Issue Overview: Wind Energy”
BrainPop Video: “Wind Energy” (username: gggators, password: gggators)
Ted: “How I Harnessed the Wind”
Example Innovations:
High-altitude wind energy from kites
Wind turbines
BrainPop Video: “Biofuel” (username: gggators, password: gggators)
TedEd Video: “Biofuels and Bioprospecting for Beginners”
Newsela Article: “Cow dung power comes clean in California”
Example Innovations:
Biofuel from Algae
Simple Machines
The Incline Plane (user: gggators, pwd: gggators)
The Wheel & Axle (user: gggators, pwd: gggators)
The Pulley (user: gggators, pwd: gggators)
Week of November 13
Create a pixelated image!
Choose one of the images below to focus on
Choose (at least) two resolutions (one of the two smallest, and one of the two biggest)
Either 4x2 or 8x6
Either 16x12 or 32x24
By eye, on the gridded image, determine which color appears the most in the given square, and color in the related square on your template. Each square on your template should be a single solid color.
Continue until your grid is colored in!
Golden Gate Bridge
Grey FRillback Pigeon
Michelle Obama
Week of October 29
Research to sketch a diagram of an eye in your notebook.
Watch the resource videos below. Pause and write down any important/interesting facts in your notebook.
Create an “explainer” about how the eye works, and interesting eye facts.
Form Options: Comic, Infographic, Sketchnotes, Google Slideshow
(National Eye Institute, NIH) The Visual System: How Your Eyes Work
(TedEd) The Evolution of the Human Eye
(TedEd) Eye vs. Camera
Week of October 15-16
Color in the Animal Cell diagram and fill in the boxes (you can use Google or library books!)
Research about your assigned type of cells – fill in the table in your notebook:
What does your cell do?
How many of your types of cell are in the human body?
Find 3 other interesting facts about your cell
What does your cell look like?
If you finish these two tasks you should read the assigned Newsela article “The facts about cells”.